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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and its Key Principles
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) provides a structured and efficient way to organize and manage code. OOP is based on four key principles: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, and Abstraction. In this context, we'll explore these principles using a simple example involving geometric shapes. Let's create a parent class called "Shape" and then extend it to two child classes: "Circle" and "Rectangle."
// Parent Class
class Shape {
constructor(color) {
this.color = color;
// Method to describe the shape
describe() {
return `This is a ${this.color} shape.`;
// Child Class 1
class Circle extends Shape {
constructor(color, radius) {
super(color); // Call the parent class constructor
this.radius = radius;
// Override the describe method
describe() {
return `This is a ${this.color} circle with a radius of ${this.radius} units.`;
// New method specific to circles
calculateArea() {
return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;
// Child Class 2
class Rectangle extends Shape {
constructor(color, width, height) {
super(color); // Call the parent class constructor
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
// Override the describe method
describe() {
return `This is a ${this.color} rectangle with dimensions ${this.width}x${this.height} units.`;
// New method specific to rectangles
calculateArea() {
return this.width * this.height;
// Create instances of child classes
const redCircle = new Circle('red', 5);
const blueRectangle = new Rectangle('blue', 3, 4);
console.log(`Circle Area: ${redCircle.calculateArea()}`);
console.log(`Rectangle Area: ${blueRectangle.calculateArea()}`);
Inheritance: In the example, we have a parent class called "Shape." Both child classes, "Circle" and "Rectangle," inherit properties and methods from the parent class. This means that the child classes have access to the "color" property and the "describe" method without having to rewrite them. Inheritance allows you to create a hierarchy of classes where child classes can reuse and extend the functionality of the parent class.
Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows different objects to respond to the same method or property in their own unique way. In our example, both "Circle" and "Rectangle" classes override the "describe" method with their own implementations. When we call the "describe" method on objects of these classes, they provide descriptions specific to their shapes. This is polymorphism in action, where different objects exhibit different behaviors while using the same method name.
Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a concept that involves bundling the data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on that data into a single unit, known as a class. In our example, both the "Circle" and "Rectangle" classes encapsulate their respective data (radius, width, height, color) and methods (describe) into self-contained units. These classes hide their internal details from the outside and provide controlled access to their properties through getter and setter methods. Encapsulation helps maintain data integrity and protects it from unauthorized access or modification.
Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of simplifying complex reality by modeling classes based on the essential properties and behaviors they exhibit, while hiding the irrelevant details. In our example, the "Shape" class represents an abstraction of a generic geometric shape. It defines the fundamental properties common to all shapes, such as "color" and the "describe" method for describing a shape. The details of how each shape is described or what specific shapes exist are abstracted away, allowing us to work with a high-level concept of a "Shape" without worrying about the specific implementation of "Circle" or "Rectangle." Abstraction simplifies the design and focuses on what a class does rather than how it does it.
Object-Oriented Programming and its principles provide a powerful framework for structuring code in a way that is modular, maintainable, and extensible. Inheritance enables the reuse and extension of functionality, while polymorphism allows for flexibility and interaction between different objects. Encapsulation safeguards data and enhances security, and abstraction simplifies complex systems. These principles together make OOP a valuable tool in software development, helping developers create efficient and organized code